Monday, January 07, 2008

There's that "humour" thing again.

Over at Daimnation!, someone thinks Chris Muir is a real hoot. People who are actually funny beg to differ.

And as for the right-wing "Mallard Fillmore," well, how about we just not go there? You'll thank me some day, I'm sure.

P.S. Sadly, there really are people who find Chris Muir entertaining. There's, well, this guy.

You really wanted a bit of warning before I did that, didn't you?

: I only hurt you because I love you. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

: The Rev. supplies the link that explains it all. Wayne will, of course, not understand a word of it.


Ti-Guy said...

It's not so much the general crapitude of rightwing "humour" that's the issue with me; it's the response from its fans, which is not a normal reaction to humour. They praise it lavishly to be with the Daimnation Douchebag who calls Muir's crap "the very best political cartooning ever." If he truly believes that, well, what can you do? But I suspect that the over-the-top gush is simply to get a reaction from "teh Left."

JJ said...

Ugh, that Day By Day cartoon is so painfully bad. It would be much better if the text was written in the style of Charles Bukowski.

Lindsay Stewart said...

i really miss tbogg. truly can't stand the cubicle aesthetic of his site over at the hideously ugly and unfriendly pajamadoglakemedia. it seems like such a conservative notion, turn it into a fluorescent eyesore, litter it with blinking, flashing, migraine inducing ads and call it an upgrade. the lake, the blogosphere's vista.

Unknown said...

What is it with the left, radical muslims and cartoons anyway?

Warning: The above was a conservative joke (for those that don't get it). May cause, anger which may lead to diarrhea, stroke and death.

I find leftwing humour weird, perverted and condescending. Most of it is Bush Derangement Syndrome and in Canada Harper Derangement Syndrome based.

Day By Day is one of my favorite cartoon, don't burn any.

counter-coulter said...

Wayne said...
What is it with the left, radical muslims and cartoons anyway?

Thanks Wayne. Its always nice to have a conservative drop by and prove the rule.

Red Tory said...

I realize that explaining a joke denudes it of humour, but seeing as Wayne's "joke" wasn't in the least bit amusing in the first place, it would be interesting and/or instructive to have it explained. Can you do that for us Wayne? Enlighten us poor, wee lefties as to wherein lies the "humour" in this alleged "joke" of yours...

Rev.Paperboy said...

Bear with me if you read this before, I know I've written before, somewhere.

Conservatives are not funny because humor-especially political humor - is all about attacking the establishment, siding with the little guy and doing something unexpected.

Think of all the classic gags - the banana peel, the pie in the face, anything by Charlie Chaplin, the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy --all the way back to shakespeare and all the way forward to the Daily Show. It is all about sticking it to The Man.

the dignified authority figure whether it is the boss, the king, the rich guy, the football captain, the general, the cop or whoever slips on the banana peel the little tramp dropped or gets a pie in the kisser -- that's funny.

If the same thing happens to a weaker character - the orphan, crippled Tiny Tim, the little tramp, ect. it isn't funny, it's sad.

Abbot and Costello are funny because no matter how slick Bud talks to try to take advantage or explain something to Lou, Lou's dumb little guy always comes out on top.

Humor has always been the way the powerless have gotten their revenge on the powerful, pompous and vain. The Devil cannot abide to be mocked.

LuLu said...

CC, you bastard. My job is killing me, I have 5 minutes to call my own so I click through your links. I'll get you for this ... and your little dog, too.

Unknown said...

Dennis Miller not funny!!!!


How am I supposed to laugh as a down trodden middle aged white man, fighting the leftist elites, without my humour fix of Dennis on Billy O?

counter-coulter said...

Wayne said...
How am I supposed to laugh as a down trodden middle aged white man, fighting the leftist elites, without my humour fix of Dennis on Billy O?

Exactly! I mean, when are we, as a society, going to stop keeping down the middle-aged, white man and allow him to obtain positions of power and influence? And we call ourselves "progressives". For shame!

Anonymous said...

I was encouraged by the first commenter at Daimnation, until I followed up on his recommendation:



"How am I supposed to laugh as a down trodden middle aged white man, fighting the leftist elites..."

Not bad. And you didn't blow it by telling us it was a "joke". You must be learning something here.


Do you use Firefox? If you do, Adblock is essential:

E in MD said...

I find leftwing humour weird, perverted and condescending. Most of it is Bush Derangement Syndrome and in Canada Harper Derangement Syndrome based.

Day By Day is one of my favorite cartoon, don't burn any.

By Blogger Wayne, at 9:17 AM

Down here were refer to it as thinking. But I suppose all the Republican and Conservative types that are utterly disgusted with Bush's behavior, actions and policy just have Bush derangement syndrome too eh?

Bush is a criminal. He remains a criminal and suggesting that he be impeached and tried for violating the law has nothing to do with hatred. It has to do with refusing to live under a king that is immune to the law. I hate to break it to you but the American founders went to war to ensure that there would be no king of this land and that no man or woman would be above the law.

I am curious as to what precisely George W. Bush would have to do to lose the support of that last 20% of Americans ( and morons like Wayne ). Hell I'll pay for the gay meth dealing prostitute to give him a blow job myself if that means we can finally impeach him. Funny how all the righties were all ready to lynch Clinton for 'lying to Congress', but Bush has made a career of lying to Congress and they're not giving up a peep. I guess little things like the law, honesty, morality, ethics and so forth only apply to Democrats.

I'd rather have Bush derangement syndrome than Brain Dead Bush Supporter Syndrome.