Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Now it's just plain entertaining.

And another normally reliable, batshit-crazy, conservative mouthpiece of the Far Right has its inevitable moment of clarity.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now the Foley scandal is really starting to creep me out.

You know you're through the looking glass when even some of the wingnuts start sounding like reasonable, responsible people.

All is confusion, with nothing solid left to hang on to.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the conservative response remains idiotic.

bush II has desecrated all their political ideals and murdered hundreds of thousands of people, ... but the repugs only lose their right to govern because they covered up one of their guy's cyber-sex sessions with some former pages.

The 16-yr old whose family complained was never approached again. The instant-text messages about humping the bed and measuring wood and such, were all consensual.

I'm appalled at the guy's hypocrisy, and always gratified to hear of Repug's suffering, but it just goes to show the ridiculous attitude of US mainstream culture towards sex.

Paladiea said...

Well we learned one important lesson from all this. The US government can be overthrown by weilding a single penis.

Anonymous said...

1. There's no difference between Hastert & Roberts and the Bishops and Cardinals and how many Biships and Cardinals lost their positions?

2. Foley's mouthpiece just shared i=on MSNBC that between the ages of 13 and 15, young Mark was molested by a clergyman of unstated denomination. However, Mark does not claim this is an excuse, any more than he claims that being a drunk is an excuse. He's just sharing it with us.

CC said...

the seer writes:

"Foley's mouthpiece just shared on MSNBC that between the ages of 13 and 15, young Mark was molested by a clergyman of unstated denomination."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So now he's dragging the church into it? Ye Gods, is there anyone this guy is not going to take down with him?

Holy shit, but Christmas came early this year, didn't it?

Anonymous said...

I still say that if Foley had been after female pages, a lot more of the wingnuts would be coming to his defense. There's a lot of fear out there about gays seducing their sons...