Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blogging Tories Short Takes: Oct 26, 2006.

Shorter True North: "It's disturbing to think of society being overrun by Muslim whackjobs until you're beheaded when, as we all know, the proper end result is society being overrun by Christian whackjobs until you're killed by a high-powered rifle through your kitchen window. Although, in a pinch, beating someone unconscious and leaving them to die of exposure will do, I suppose."

Shorter The Politic: "Just when you thought I couldn't possibly find another reason to worship the U.S. ..."

Shorter Kathy Shaidle: "It's my turn to make fun of someone with a terminally wasting disease. It's the Catholic thing to do, you know."

Shorter Joel Johannesen: "Let them eat stocks."


Somena Woman said...

Dont forget that headshot Hourouchi shot at a pregnant woman holding a baby, and that they stomped on a kitten while doing it... Just in case you hadn't heard about that part of Ruby Ridge

Somena Woman said...

sorry-- wasn't pregnant.. just holding a baby...

Kathy said...

Criticizing someone isn't the same as "making fun of them", cynic. When someone puts themselves forward as a public figure for a controversial issue, he must expect criticism. It's called adulthood.

If you dare, read this piece by an actual doctor (I assume you aren't one) explaining the stem cell debate for you. I doubt you have the stones to read it though:

Simon said...

"Let them eat stocks"

Oh man, this is exactly why I keep coming back here. Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

Please don't suggest things I did not say. I was merely discussing about what certain radical Muslims want to do to the West.

ajsuhail said...

Exactly Ti Guy!

I suggest that Kathy AKA the queen of cut and paste be banned from being allowed to comment until she allows others the privilege of doing so on her pathetic excuse for a blog.Obviously, she cannot take the heat.