Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Gawd Bless The Swiss...

... those intrepid alpine hybrids have woken to a need perhaps only their mongrel status prepared them for. Certainly a little nation of money laundering chocolatiers, not quite French, not sufficiently Italian and somewhat sub-German has a unique perspective to recognize the threat of pointy buildings. To say nothing of the awful and disruptive racket that issues forth from such obnoxious architecture. So let me now call on Canada and Canadians to take up the courage of the Swiss, let us now and forever forward be free from the plague of pointy buildings and their vulgar clamour.

I ask you to join me in imploring our government to ban the erection of pointy buildings. No new steeples! No more minarets! No more fucking bells and while I've never in all my life heard a muezzin blaring the Adhan, well screw it, no more of that either. Set our skylines free, no more superstitious caterwauling and clanging, there oughta be a law.


Balbulican said...

There has always been a strong streak of racism and xenophobia in Switzerland - witness their refusal to accept desperate Jewish refugees during World War II, condemning thousands to death.

900ft Jesus said...

that's great. But the fish cult won't get the humour since they have a god given right to clutter up cities and towns with their pointy bell towers.

Anonymous said...

Switzerland was not forcibly de-Nazified 60 years ago. This is proof.

Frank Frink said...

Naturally, Vancouver went and rid itself of the only good pointy building ever built.

(wv = "odedayl". Even word verification is yodeling.)