Apparently, someone's using her big girl tampons these days:

Sure, they do, Kate -- they're about to unleash over 1400 people per hour who will send, word for word what is handed to them, exactly the same whiny, illiterate, badly-educated, error-filled, bitching and moaning letter to G-G Michaelle Jean, then toddle off back to their parents' rec room and wait for their turn to play World of Warcraft on Mommy's computer.
Go back to your dogs and paint cans, Kate. No one of any consequence or intelligence gives a fuck what you think.
AFTERSNARK: Does it get any more perfect than this?

LET THE HATE FLOW. And this is where the grown-ups and law enforcement agencies might perk up their antenna stalks:

It's all so Blogging Tory, this talk of "unleashing" and AK47s, wouldn't you say? I mean, it's all fun and games until someone takes a bullet from a high-powered rifle. Then it's not so funny anymore.
Blogging Tory co-founder Stephen Taylor must be so proud. Is it too early to start discussing his legacy? I'm thinking the word "eliminationist" should figure prominently.
P.S. Julie Morand. Terrorist. Al Qaeda.
Yeah, gotta love how politics in this country is driving the Blogging Tories to pine for illegal firearms.
Another humorous side-effect of this coalition business is the "revival" of Western separatism. I wrote a piece on it in my blog, and it makes me laugh just thinking about it. I have some friends in Calgary who are literally on the verge of forming a militia over this business. Albertans are PISSED!
Man, huffing all that paint is finally starting to have a noticeable, everyday effect on our gal KKKate.
That's just sad ... if, you know, by sad, I actually mean hilariously delusional.
That's just sad ... if, you know, by sad, I actually mean hilariously delusional.
I think "hysterical" is the word you're looking for. Describes Kateland from both sides of the picture, I think.
It makes me wonder who and what exactly made Stevie beef up his RCMP security in recent years. He knows what his supporters are saying, and what they may be capable of. Threats of armed uprising with unregistered military weapons have been noted. If he is afraid of his own goons, you have to wonder.
If kate is hysterical, that would certainly make the knuckle-draggers who comment at small dead brains testerical.
Shouldn't they be mad at Stephen Harper? I mean, if he wasn't such a sore winner, none of this would be happening.
Whoops--hadn't completed that thought:
One notices the general level of approval over the slow dismantling of the hate speech laws from the right side of the spectrum.
Because it's not lefties who are suggesting that killing folks you disagree with politically is such a great idea ... Violent and murderous rhetoric has become the near-exclusive preserve of the extreme conservatives.
*And* it's another import from the US Republican playbook, where McCain and Palin blithely used words like grenades to lob into the ranks of their 'excitable' loyalists, sometimes disguised at talking points that were faithfully redistributed by pundits and plumbers. I started pondering that Saturday after hearing one too many "power grab" and "coup d'etat".
When you're repeatedly and heatedly accusing your political *enemies* (not Parliamentary competitors, but published in the newspapers as *enemies*) of coup d'etat (wherein the worst possible outcome for you as the ruling junta is cooling your heels on the Opposition benches until the next election, teh woez), and people are believing you because why-would-you-lie, how can you not expect people to start regarding this literally instead of bombastic political rhetoric, and how can you not expect people to start contemplating armed resistance to the horrors you are describing?
But should someone sucking all this in actually do something violent, watch the bombasters disavow all knowledge of their culpability. Just like down South.
First you portray them as enemies, then you mock and minimize their views, then you call them names when they do their job. When you are done you've dehumanized them, turned them in the other.
There are very few examples of that working out well.
Karl Rove, I think, was the guy who said that in order to succeed in politics one should accuse them of the vile and desperate act you yourself are committing.
Harper has been talking about a coup, when in fact he tried to gut democracy in order to weaken the opposition so that he might squeeze out a real, true, majority sometime in the future.
He isn't getting nearly enough kicking around yet, even though one can hear his own party sharpening their knives behind his back.
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