Sunday, May 07, 2006

You want a conspiracy theory? How about a conspiracy?

An exercise for the reader. First, go read this. Take your time, and go over it carefully to make sure you understand the implications. Read it a second time if you have to. Soak it in and savour the details. Finished? Good.

Now go read this. Don't you have at least a couple of questions at this point?

AND THE ANALOGIES DON'T END THERE. In the comments, Alison suggests an even earlier analogy -- the ever-so-convenient release of the Iran hostages shortly after Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election. Coincidence? I think not.

In fact, I was originally planning to lead off with that example but, for the sake of my Wankerville readers, I didn't want to force them to keep three whole examples in mind at the same time. That's just the kind of guy I am.


Cathie from Canada said...

Questions? I don't have no stinking questions.
Of course, I'm absolutely certain that the Dear Leaders are taking care of everyone's interests just fine so of course there are no questions....

Alison said...

Good analogy.
Another one, albeit not as good a match, that probably occurred to eveyone was Iran's release of the American hostages twenty minutes after Reagan's inauguration in 1980.

Did you read my Cons'piracy theory post from back in April? It works even without the new info re the $1 billion:
Bush gets a sympathetic Canadian PM, Harper gets to be PM, the provinces get to collect and keep the lumber tariffs, and the lumber companies get to keep one of their own, Emerson, in the ruling party.
It was taking that glaring risk of having Emerson cross the floor that gave it away.