Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dear Democrats: Why are you so stupid? No, really.

Arrrrghh! See, here's the trick. As a Democrat, what you want is the most hopeless, addle-brained, witless opponent conceivable -- yes, that would be Katherine Harris. And while it's tempting to slap her around for the ignorant buffoon she is, you don't want to shoot your wad (politically speaking) too soon, since that might cause Harris to drop out of the race, leaving it open for another Republican who might be an actual threat.

So what you do is, when the pollsters come around, you go on and on and exuberantly on about how you think Harris is just ducky and, damn right, you'll be voting for her in November. Prop up her poll numbers artificially, keep her in the race and, come November, crush her like the corrupt, unprincipled hack she is.

What part of that do I need to explain again?


Anonymous said...

"I'd do her!"

CC said...

I'm sure you already have.