Tuesday, August 01, 2023


1) Rebel News' Ezra Levant is furious about Justin Trudeau's "hug-a-thug", soft on crime, criminal coddling bail system, that lets dangerous criminals loose on our streets to possibly re-offend:

2) Rebel News' Ezra Levant is furious about Justin Trudeau's bail system, that insists on keeping behind bars potentially dangerous criminals until they are properly dealt with:

I'm confused.

CC READER CHALLENGE: What massive whopper of a lie did Ezra tell in the second snippet above? Take your time, it should come to you.

BONUS TRACK: It's worth appreciating the gravity of the charges that the combined forces of Canada's Grift-o-sphere managed to defeat in the battle of Coutts. Behold:

Parking tickets. All of that national co-ordination and fundraising was wildly successful in having the court drop charges for ... parking tickets.

Victory is mine!


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I see the lie, but I'll let others guess first and not spoil the surprise.

Anonymous said...

Challenging readers to select ONE lie in a lengthy quote from Ezra reminds one of novelist Mary McCarthy's famous dismissal of Lillian Hellman: "Every word she writes is a lie, including “and” and “the.”

If forced to choose, I'd guess you're referring to Ezra's "500 days" of imprisonment, a popular trope among the trucklodytes that suggests these poor martyrs have been suffering in durance vile since slightly more than a year BEFORE their arrests. Good trick, that. Of course, the "500 days" refers to the cumulative time served by all four of the accused would-be cop killers.

Interestingly, it should once again be noted that while Ezra flew to Coutts to cover the proceedings, his coverage lasted for two days, and ceased abruptly and without explanation once he and other media were allowed to review Crown evidence under publication ban. Guess he didn't like what he saw when he peeked under the sheets.

CC said...

Anon @ 8:21 AM: Ah, I was unaware of the "500 days" misdirection, but that's not the lie I was thinking of; the one I have in mind is a bit more direct and undeniable.

I may have to pay more attention to the goings-on down in Coutts, as it sounds like it has the potential to get interesting.

MgS said...

There’s any number of lies in there - the one I picked up on was the misdirection about publication bans - he makes it sound like the publication ban is some kind of scheme by the prosecution to keep things hush-hush, when the reality is that the defence may request a publication ban during bail, and it is granted all but automatically.

CC said...

MgS: Nope, still not the lie I'm thinking about.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Levant's focus is on Lethbridge where the court is, but Coutts isn't all that close so why bring Lethbridge into it?

That quibble aside, he has the chronology wrong. I will have to check, but I believe the Coutts arrests and finding the weapons cache took place soon after midnight on Feb 14, then PMJT invoked the Emergencies Act that afternoon in Ottawa. I'm pretty sure the Coutts events were a consideration in that decision, along with other issues.

The Coutts convoy with Marco as spokesman decided to go home around Feb 14 afternoon, not so much because of the EA but because of the weapons cache and not wanting to be associated with violence. They told the police they needed time to get moved out and mostly left on the morning of Feb 15.

Since then Marco and other convoy idiots have become convinced that the police planted the weapons and faked the photo and that the four charged with conspiracy to commit murder are really just political prisoners. Months later Marco and two others were later charged with mischief over $5000.

The arrests in Ottawa started Feb 17 I think, and the big crowd stuff was Feb 18. And it wasn't "martial law".


Anonymous said...

Anyone who wants to delve into documents should check out the POEC website.
Here's a handy-dandy timeline:




CC said...

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. IMNSHO, Ezra's most egregious lie in all of the above was that Parliament's invocation of the Emergencies Act led to "martial law." This is simply false, and Ezra would have known this.

Anonymous said...

Ha, that last sentence was an afterthought. Maybe that's what Levant was hoping for at the time, that Trudeau would call in the army to remove the convoy idiots. Instead Ezra's reduced to trying to make the EA look like the old War Measures Act and whining about bank accounts being frozen. Such oppression.

Another quibble; the arrests were in Feb 2022, so it has indeed been more than 500 days. There has already been a steady stream of convoyers through the Ottawa courts for various infractions, but what may have been a terrorist operation probably needed more investigation, and I can't see how granting bail would be a good idea in this case.


CC said...

ValJ: Also, as I have harped on, the people who are currently whining pathetically about Justin's soft-on-crime bail rules are the very ones shrieking hysterically about the draconian bail conditions imposed on the Coutts 4.

Pick a fucking lane.

Anonymous said...

They are also still moaning about damage to their machines. They brought three excavators and parked them in a nearby field to be on private property. The RCMP thoroughly disabled them.
I've seen a claim that they were just to hang flags on. Yeah, right, poor innocent monster machines. There were semis and other machinery being used in what one idiot calls "dominance displays" driving at RCMP vehicles. How did they expect police to react to their stupidly belligerent displays?


Brian Busby said...

The claim that the implementation of the Emergencies Act brought martial law is one oft-repeated by former lawyer Levant. It's laughably false, of course, but that doesn't prevent Canada Hate and other Ballingall and Ballingall inspired groups from repeating the lie.

What's most amusing in all this is that Proud followers are the first to demand that the military enter the House, arrest Trudeau, and take over the government. That, my hate-filled friends, is martial law.