Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Chronicles of Rebel: "A wife beater from the start"

It has finally come to this ... Rebel News is now publishing entire books about, well, themselves, and what better personality to promote than savage wife-beater Avi Yemini:

Somewhere, Sheila Gunn Reid is wondering how many paraplegic Palestinian orphans she needs to run down in her Dodge Ram to get this kind of coverage.

PREDICTION: By this time tomorrow, the book will be an Amazon best-seller, for reasons I have explained before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A portion of the book consists of Avi explaining that he didn't actually commit the offence he was charged with, pleaded guilty to, found guilty of, and failed to successfully appeal. Turns out he just wanted to protect his children. The careful phrasing of his new declaration of innocence, wherein he specifies that he never actually HIT her, tells you everything you need to know.