Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Man who gleefully celebrated blockades and occupation of downtown Ottawa by violent, right-wing "Freedom Convoy" is suddenly outraged over (*checks notes*) blockades and occupation.


Anonymous said...

You've probably noted the tendency of these assholes to permanently affix a specific adjective to certain nouns (e.g., the "extreme" left, "radical" feminists", and so on.) One of those verbal welds for the last two years has been "peaceful" protesters, used to characterize the thugs illegally refusing police orders to disperse, verbally assaulting anyone who walked past them in a mask, threatening store owners, and so forth. That's "peaceful", which in their lexicon apparently means "not killing anyone".
Interesting to watch their response to this episode of raw violence against REAL peaceful protesters.

CC said...

Ironically, I was just about to write a blog post on that very topic.

Anonymous said...

The centre and the left really have not shifted - those on the right are the ones that have become extreme.

I have no time for that ilk.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:53: let's not forget those "peaceful protesters" now on trial in Coutts for peacefully planning to murder RCMP officers with their peaceful cache of peaceful weapons. Or Peaceful Pastor Artur Pawloski, peacefully exhorting the peaceful protester to contemplate the massacre at the Alamo for inspiration.

thwap said...

I think everyone who knows him thinks Ross is an asshole and is tired of putting up with his shit.

Purple library guy said...

The right has this odd thing with law and order. They believe in it, sort of, but they don't mean actual law and order, as in the rule of law, equality under the law, disinterest in application of the law and so on.
What they mean is there are two kinds of people, the right kind, which is to say their kind--white, nominally god-fearing, drawing their culture from rural roots even if they're actually urbanites, kind of middle class, listeners to country music, straight or at least properly closeted and ashamed, et cetera--and the wrong kind, which is everybody else. And law and order means victimizing the wrong kind and letting the right kind do what they want.

(When I say "drawing their culture from rural roots", what I mean here is "drawing their culture from the pap huge corporations feed to rural people" not anything particularly authentic)

CC said...

PLG: It's worth pointing out that Mr. "Fuck it, not putting up with your shit anymore, bring it on!" is the same guy who peered out from behind his living room curtains and wouldn't answer the door when the process servers came calling.