Thursday, August 03, 2023

Chronicles of Rebel: Here, let me fix that for you.


Shorter Pastor Art: "Let me explain the effects of breaking the law and being held accountable."

Tune in tomorrow when Rebel News bafflingly complains about the soft-on-crime approach by the Trudeau Liberals in letting all those obvious criminals out on bail.


MgS said...

The fact that they’re going to that paste-swilling grifter for “wisdom” tells you everything you need to know about The Rebel _AND_ their source.

Anonymous said...

"Denied bail for reasons hidden by a publication ban"?

Gosh. Maybe the reason was the long strong string of bail violations and conditions of release, culminating in contempt of court charges?
C'mon, Ezra. Violating conditions of bail, getting detained for those violations in front of the camera, and begging for money to get himself off the hook one more is Artur's job these days, when he's not picking up fat paycheques on the MAGA rubber-chicken-dinner third-tier quasi-celebrity tour circuit as Special Guest Latter Day Christian Martyr.