Sunday, August 20, 2023

Chronicles of Annette: What the heck is going on?

So after over two years of relentless coverage, and publicity, and grifting, the case of disqualified lung transplant candidate Sheila Annette Lewis seems to have vanished from the face of the earth. After pulling in well over $100,000 in a GiveSendGo fundraiser, donations have simply dried up:

quite possibly related to Lewis' misguided and ill-informed attempt to sue AHS doctors for negligence for (*checks notes*) upholding provincial transplant standards, after which there was a confidential settlement, followed by an absolute deathly silence, leaving people to reasonably wonder ... what is going on, and how is Lewis doing, and what happened to all that money? In particular, people are left to wonder what is up with all of the notorious grifters who monetized the shit out of this tragedy and seem to have quietly moved on to their next victim^H^H^H^H^H^Hnoble humanitarian cause.

Regardless of what you think of Lewis or the carnival barkers who milked her tragic situation, it's reasonable to ask ... what's happening?

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