Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Of Rebel News, hucksters and misery.

Over at this Rebel News page (archived at the Internet's Wayback Machine so you don't need to give Der Rebel any clicks), our merry band of Rebelers is weeping crocodile tears over the miniscule few who are being rejected from organ transplant candidate lists because they (*checks notes*) refuse to follow the rules. And the Rebel's solution -- sign this petition to show everyone how angry you are:

Predictably, that article goes on and on about one Annette Lewis, and the unfairness of medical apartheid, etc, etc, but there is one thing missing from that article -- any offer to fundraise for Lewis. In an interesting development over at Der Rebel, they're still stoking the outrage and demanding your participation and running one petition after another, but it's getting harder and harder to find examples where Ezra and his clown car of Ezrettes are actually trying to collect real cash to help the alleged victims.

Rather, what you get these days are petitions that can be monetized every which way by collecting all that priceless contact information, but little in the way of an offer to help the very victims off of whose backs those signatures are being collected. Simply put, it's way more profitable to monetize someone's tragedy if you have no interest in helping them out.

I'm pretty sure it was eminent philosopher Ezra Levant who said it best a decade ago:

I'm not sure I could sum up the business model of Rebel News any better than that.


Anonymous said...

The Rebel is now raising money to send a crew to Maui because Ezra thinks "...we're not getting the full story." He wants to "find out what the facts are", but provides NO information on why he thinks sending two of his worst "reporters" to interrupt community recovery and rescue efforts is a good idea, or what story he's going to try to invent.
Alexa Lavoie is the barely coherent Francophone whose grasp of both journalism and the English language are sub-rudimentary at best: Lincoln Jay is cameraman.

Anonymous said...

Send me to Maui and I will find the real story.