Sunday, August 27, 2023

So depressingly predictable.

To no one's surprise, right-wing hack Lorrie Goldstein is unfamiliar with the concept of professional standards.

That explains so much.


MgS said...

An opinion writer for the Sun is unfamiliar with professional ethics - colour me shocked. /s

Of course, it’s all aimed at the FreeDumber crowd who are generally about as bright as a quarter watt bulb in a power failure.

Anonymous said...

So dishonest obsolete JP called a man of Indian origin a Caucasian, using a carefully cherry-picked part of a wiki page for his justification while skipping the bit at the very top which says:

The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid,[a] Europid, or Europoid)[2] is an obsolete racial classification of humans based on a now-disproven theory of biological race.[3][4][5] The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.[6][7]


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure because twitter is so hard to navigate these days, but I think Peterson deleted or edited the tweet using the partial wiki quote and tweeted this:

I believe Hasan was born in UK, parents from India.


Anonymous said...

Peterson did not get rid of his cherry picked quote, it's included here:
