Thursday, August 10, 2023

Dear Mark:

Admitting you know what a $20 prostitute looks like is not the "Own the Libs" moment you think it is.

AFTERSNARK: Right-wingers who creamed themselves endlessly over Melania Trump might think twice before dissing women as looking like cheap sluts.

If you know what I mean.

And I think you do.


Anonymous said...

In typical snowflake fashion, Slappy made his tweets private - guess he can dish it out but heaven forbid he has to take it in return!

Anonymous said...

Especially when it is a 14 year old child. When RWNJs accuse people of being pedophiles, they are projecting their own depravity.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised he's got the $8/month blue checkmark.

Augray said...

Yes, why can't the ladies of today be more restrained in their attire? The current plague of immodest outfits is just the latest wave of improper clothing for the fairer sex! In the 60s it was miniskirts, and before that, bikinis! And a century ago it was those slatternly flappers! And surely a woman should only reveal their ankles to their husbands!

Women (and girls) can wear whatever they want. If burqa-boi Slapinski can't deal with that, that's too fucking bad.

Anonymous said...

Slapinski is one of the clumsier trolls out there. More adept trolls know that you should at least pretend to make a point; his strategy is that of a particularly nasty six year old who walks into an adult party, pulls down his pants, shits on the carpet, and smirks.