Friday, January 07, 2022

Who the fuck are "Feds For Freedom?"

Oh, Good Lord, what new collection of grifting crackpots do we have here? Seriously, who are these loons?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are they? Oh, that's easy. This is one of multiple astroturf groups, loosely organized coordinated by a core of Harper-era Conservatives. They are following the Alinksi-esque playbook first used by the post-Reagan Republicans, refined by the Tea Party, and currently favoured by the Trump faction of the Republican Party; galvanize and organize the base, using an inflammatory issue, couching it in the language of "freedom" or "social justice", and give it a populist flavour by setting up as many near identical advocacy groups as possible linked to a specific geographic or sectoral base. In this case, the network is being created (and funds being raised) for an eventual Polièvre candidacy, once O'Toole flames out completely.

You will note on their "resources" page literally dozens of links to their "allied organizations websites and/or facebook pages. Depending on the limits of your patience, you will discover upon clicking on these sites that they:
a) virtually identical in design, layout and content, but tweaked to address a specific occupational group. While focused, these occupational groups are left deliberately vague in order to build up "membership numbers". (e.g., the "free to fly" group, which pretends to speak for airline employees, also includes "passengers" - in other words, anyone who's ever been on a plane.
b) cite, quote and list each other, with an emphasis on a few shared activists. These include the Rebel, of course: Rocco Galati, best known for spearheading a long series of failed Supreme Court challenges; the Democracy Fund; Chris Sky; the Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedom; and the usual clusterfuck.
c) fail to list staff, board or executive members
d) Beg for money.