Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The world's shortest conversation.

Jordan Peterson: "I quit."

University of Toronto: "I'm sorry ... and you are ...?"


Anonymous said...


Jordan Petersen: I quit

The University of Toronto: You can't quit, we fired you a month ago dummy.

Ramirezplayer said...

He already has a job lined up, testing pain killers for a Russian pharmaceutical firm.

Rev.Paperboy said...

Ramierzplayer - i wish that were the case. As it is Jordy will always have a well-paid spot at the National Post complete with office space, staff and probably a deluxe full-benefits package the rest of the staff at Postmedia don't get. Conservative media stars in this country only ever fail upwards to the next sinecure. I'm sure someone is keeping a seat warm for Jordy at the Fraser Institute or some such place where he can rail against the unfairness of the Canadian liberal academic system that has treated him so terribly, at least until his next amphetimine and all-beef diet induced coma.