Friday, January 21, 2022

The stupid ... it burns ...

Wow, that is some kind of convoy descending on Ottawa ...

Oh, wait ...

I think we're done here.

P.S. I must admit, I'm puzzled by this claim:

Will be sending thousands upon thousands of Trucks & vehicles to shut down an Entire City.

Leaving aside the preposterous claim of "thousands upon thousands" of trucks, what precisely is the plan to "shut down an entire city?"

Is the idea to just drive into town, park your truck in a random location intended to obstruct traffic and ... walk away from it? To where? And just leave your truck there? I'm guessing the next couple days would be an absolute gift for truck thieves, who could just wander from truck to truck, hot-wiring it and driving away.

Or are you going to stick with your truck? Eat in it? Sleep in it? Good for you if that's your plan, at least it shows commitment, but I'm betting you can do that for only so long.

And speaking of, how long do you plan to keep this up? Even if you blocked every major artery in the city, all Ottawa needs to do is wait you out, since I'm guessing none of you came with the intention of spending weeks in your cab.

Seriously, what exactly is on your agenda once you roll into town? I mean, you've thought this through, right? Please tell me you've thought this through.


Anonymous said...

Narrator: They did not think this through

chris said...

If memory serves it's cold in Ottawa in January and they are fierce about their "no idling" law. Trucks don't stay warm for long in subzero temps.