Saturday, January 15, 2022

Jack Posobiec: Another ex-Rebel griftbag.

The funniest thing about this:

is that the URL Posobiec provides is a purchase page at My Pillow, from which Posobiec gets a commission based on anyone who uses that promo code.

It's like they're not even trying to hide the grifty sleaziness anymore.

P.S. Here's convicted felon and execrable piece of human garbage Dinesh D'Souza also trying to weasel his way into a commission for pimping out the Pillow Guy:



If these sleazebags were any slimier, they'd be Sheila Gunn Reid.

1 comment:

thwap said...

Is it the case that they've just been testing the limits of their audience's gullibility for years and are themselves surprised by the latest results?

Or have they been working to increase the stupidity of their audience?

Or has this political bowel-movement/grift been simultaneously degrading both the practioners and the rubes?