Thursday, January 20, 2022

Freedom Convoy 2022: Ah, the potential hilarity.

I cannot wait to see how this turns out:

and in whose pocket all that money ends up. Honestly, it's like these people are incapable of learning.

P.S. 1,600 truckers, you say?

What say we fact-check that claim when the time comes?


Del Esau said...

"Hey Bubba, remember the expense money you were supposed to get last time we rallied in Ottawa?
Come to Ottawa, it's waiting for you there."

I won't smear the whole trucking industry. Most drivers, including my friends in the industry are decent hard working people, but...
Doesn't it scare the hell out of you knowing that the some of the people controlling "tons of rolling death" are morons?

Anonymous said...

This would be a great opportunity for the RCMP to do safety inspections on every one of those rigs. And impound the ones that don't pass.