Friday, January 21, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: An inflated sense of his own importance.

Apparently, Lloydminster's Patrick Ross is now entering into the cripplingly deluded phase of his meltdown; he is offering to drop his meritless legal action against Peter Skinner for a quarter of a million dollars.

A quarter of a million dollars.

There are no words.


RossOwesDay said...

Twatrick and his lawsuit aren't worth a quarter of a *dollar*, let alone a million.

Is Twatsy's latest pathetic and deluded bargaining something the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy would be interested in?

Anonymous said...

MgS said...

Wow - I trust counsel looked at that and laughed.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's a tough choice, I mean Skinner could have a completely meritless "lawsuit" dismissed for the low low cost of $250K, OR just let the courts and bankruptcy board deal with this and have it completely dismissed and thrown out at the cost of *checks notes* NOTHING and possibly resulting in yet MORE charges against Twatrick???

Tough choice...pass me the popcorn!

RogueNerdOne said...

@MsG: Counsel laughed at the $250,000 and the entire documentary fiasco.

Based on all the messages sent, he's convinced the project was nothing more than to fish for information. I counted 3 lies in the 3 minutes video we were able to view for a short time.

Fact remains. Had Patrick stayed out of Robert's business, he wouldn't be in this position. If Patrick didn't like what Robert said, he could have simply blocked and moved on. I brought up this fact with Victor and switched gears to say the main focus of the documentary was about the legal system and how difficult it was to make defendants pay judgements. When I said I highly doubted Patrick would sit and be mocked for not paying and running from this, he dodged the question.

When Victor got extremely personal with me in text messages, it showed his complete lack of professionalism. I was simply saying he changed his story, and I was suspicious of him and his goals.

That's the precise moment my lawyer said he saw through the scam. If you're trying to get someone to sit for an interview, you don't react to questions or put down the person. You try everything to get them to change their mind. I have all the text messages and I'm thinking of posting it online so there's 100% clarity.

MgS said...

Let's see:

Guy sues you for $1M, and when you start to push back, he gets one of his "friends" to contact you under the flimsy pretext of creating a documentary about (I put friends in quotes because I'm not at all convinced that he actually has friends).

Why on earth would they think that anyone would be stupid enough to let an obvious ally of the other party interview them "for a documentary" about matters that are still before the courts in one form or another? - Especially knowing that the other party has retained counsel, whose first advice is probably going to be "don't interact with the other party except when essential, and then only through a lawyer".

It had to be a fishing expedition from the start - and Patrick is no doubt hoping beyond hope to get the "smoking gun" evidence that somehow the courts have been deceived.

Anonymous said...

RogueNerdOne: Are you going to hit Patrick with a SLAPP suit? Or does he still face consequences for filing these bullshit charges as an undischarged bankrupt?

RogueNerdOne said...

@Anonymous: I have plenty of options at this point. Why would you think I'd file a SLAPP suit? I'm not trying to intimidate anyone. At the end of the day, I simply want Patrick to leave me and my friends/customers on social media alone.

Patrick knowingly spread libel against me. He did it to be malicious and to cause harm to my reputation. This is no different than what he did to Robert. He takes things to extremes, then becomes a boy lawyer with the confidence of a God when karma comes for him, only to run from the consequences.

If I file against Patrick, it's not to shut him up. It's to seek actual damages. Robert has first dibs on Patrick for the foreseeable future, so I'm taking that into account.

Whatever happens with OSB, happens. This is the second time I've filed a complaint against Patrick with OSB. The first time, the lawsuit Patrick had filed in Sask suddenly was withdrawn. Patrick stated he did so to focus on a new career, which has many of us wondering what it could be. I don't know for a fact that OSB killed that suit, but I filed a motion to dismiss, alerting the court of Patrick's bankruptcy status and suddenly he folded his tent and went home.

I'm not trying to kill his lawsuit. I want him in court denying my allegations as I show my evidence. Perjury is real, and I have no doubt Patrick will lie in court. He lies in every other facet of his life, and even when shown proof he's lied, he changes his story.

He's went from not using my identity, to "Peter's complaining about getting a coupon". He rationalizes the effects of what he did. It's not that a coupon came. It's that a coupon came from a computer that I didn't solicit business from, nor did that company send out spam. Someone entered my information into a form, put the reason for requesting service as I locked out myself out of somewhere and I used Password123! as my password.

It's juvenile, and Patrick forgets him and a fellow named Giovanni _did the exact same fucking thing_ years ago to the extent they used the same "Password123!" excuse. Patrick pulls the same shit over and over. That's how he got caught.

Some of us have been dealing with Patrick and his harassment for over a decade. Others have been dealing with it for far longer. This is what he does.

SLAPP lawsuit.. you should look up what that term means and realize any lawsuit brought against Patrick is because of his actions, not simply to throw money away on legal counsel.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant anti-SLAPP suit.

Rev.Paperboy said...

If Patrick doesn't end up doing jail time for perjury or contempt of court or just general jackassery, after all of this, I for one, am going to be very disappointed. But this is pretty good popcorn.

Rev.Paperboy said...

say what you want about Twatsy, but when it comes to doing dumb stuff and then topping it with even dumber stuff to try to resolve the original dumb stuff, it is hard to beat his track record. Nice for the lawyers to have a good laugh though. One must assume that the original letter offering to make this all go away for a mere quarter of million dollars got emailed to the entire office staff at the law firm with a title along the lines of "Can you believe this moron? Funniest thing I've seen all week"

RogueNerdOne said...

@Rev: It's my opinion Patrick set up the conditions for this "documentary" to happen to set up folks into divulging information to his good buddy, Victor.

Once outed, you'll notice they've evaporated like farts in the wind and Patrick hasn't once mentioned the documentary on Twitter. Had it been real, he would be piping his acting skills everywhere.

It was a con.