Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tis The Season (Poodle Fucker)

Why look kids, its Bill O'Reilly and he's brought his pet poodle Miss Loofah to, um, show us how its done.


sooey said...


CC said...

If I was Stephen Taylor and saw what my precious Blogging Tories had become, I'd probably be sucking Glenfiddich straight out of the bottle, too.

Noni Mausa said...

Okay, give me a hint. Where's this photo from? I don't know whay it's here, but then I don't get out much.


Lindsay Stewart said...

Noni, its Father Xmas! Every year he stumbles out of the North Pole to pass out in a pool of his own vomit, muttering about "putting it to" little drummer boys before his bladder releases. Pa rum pum pum pum.