Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yeah, yeah, missing 8-year-old girl, whatever.

Shorter Blogging Tory "Neo Conservative": "If you all stop crying for just a minute, it will make my smug, condescending, patronizing sanctimony all the more satisfying."

I'm guessing that, by now, Blogging Tory co-founder Stephen Taylor simply has no shame left.


T said...

Hmmmm, I thought missing white girls were always high on Conservatives list of things to promote...seem to remember Holloway et al on Fox news all the time....

Ti-Guy said...

What's that old crank bitching about now?

CC said...


He's mocking peoples' grief. It's what he does.

Red Tory said...

What else would you expect from that emotionally retarded sack of shit?

Cameron Campbell said...

He's just a wonderment...

KEvron said...

the truculent fuckwit has trotted out the corpse of wanda's grief again. what a one-note fumunder.


Cameron Campbell said...

I have no idea why even sane conservatives post there... if you disagree with him, if you even insist on something based in reality you get mocked.

He's still taking things I said 4 or 5 months ago out of context...

Somena Woman said...

"He's still taking things I said 4 or 5 months ago out of context..."

That's all they do Cameron. If they didn't have straw-men they couldn't say much.

CC said...

It's particularly entertaining to watch Neo, who has kids, ridicule the anguish of others who are grieving over a missing child.

Telling a whole town to pretty much fuck off and stop their whiny whoring for attention -- that has to set a new standard of douchebaggery, even for Stephen Taylor's collection of misfits.