Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just brimming over with wrongability, as they say.

Blogging Tory "JR" has a really unbecoming man-crush on climate change denialist "Lord Monckton", which leads one to suspect that said Lord Monckton is almost certainly a monstrous fraud and pathological liar.

Oh, look.

Degree of difficulty: Not.

AH, THE DOUCHEBAGITUDE OF IT ALL: Commenter lenny draws our attention to this fabulous exchange of e-mails with Lord Douchebag of Douchebag. Here's the best part:

Email from George Monbiot to Lord Monckton, 30th August 2007.

Dear Lord Monckton,

I hope this finds you well. I am puzzled to hear that someone who identifies himself as you has been claiming on Wikipedia that the Guardian has paid you £50,000 in damages as a result of an article I wrote. Could you please let me know whether or not it was you who made this claim, and if so what the meaning of it is.

Yours Sincerely, George Monbiot

Email from Lord Monckton to George Monbiot, 30th August 2007

I’ve been trying to get Wikipedia to take down the biog. page about me. People on both sides of the debate have used it as a playground, much to my detriment. I don’t warrant the accuracy of anything on that page unless it’s independently verified elsewhere. - M of B

Email from George Monbiot to Lord Monckton, 31st August 2007.

Dear Lord Monckton,

many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately you have not answered my question. Was it you who made the claim that the Guardian has paid you £50,000 in damages as a result of an article I wrote?

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,

George Monbiot

Email from Lord Monckton to George Monbiot, 31st August 2007

No. And I am puzzled - the Wikipedia page shows no reference to this. - M of B

Note carefully what happened above. When first questioned about a dubious claim on his Wikipedia page, Monckton implicitly acknowledges the claim's existence but disavows any responsibility for it. When pressed on the claim after it's been deleted from that page, Monckton responds, "Claim? What claim?"

Here's a thought, Monckton, my little douche: Once you've already admitted the existence of the claim, deleting it from the Wikipedia page doesn't force everyone to stop talking about it. A deep thought, I know, but that's how things work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favourite Monckton stories: