Over at Kate McMillan's Delisle Pool Hall and World of Warcraft Convention, some of the dimmer bulbs in the string are hypothesizing all kinds of hypotheses:

Um ... "and when they're going to get started?" I had no idea homicidal Islamojihadifarian terrorists were so obsessed with a schedule. Apparently, they might be savages, but they're timely.
BONUS TRACK: The cock-slapping contest continues with NAMBLA Dick Evans whipping out his wang and whomping it down on the bar:

At which point, NAMBLA Dick bellowed for another Zima and returned to a careful, manly analysis of the Sears catalogue boys' underwear section. I'm guessing grease of some kind was involved.
First they came for Kate McMillan; since I wasn't a white supremacist nazi, I did nothing.
The End.
Actually, I gave them the spare key.
The Taliban, being good muslims, do not rape women or girls. http://www.signandsight.com/features/1071.html ¶ 19.
I hope they're looking forward to the release of more prisoner abuse photos, which has to occur on or by May 28th.
On body count and survivor misery along, we all know now who the brutal primitives are.
On the other hand, it might only be the guy living three double-wide trailers down the path who is looking to rape and torture your daughter, your little sister, your mother, and several members of your family. Not to mention your schnauzers
Watcha gonna do then?
bonus - What's with Dicky boy's fascination with hard men?
wv = "fismini". That's a Moooooozlim!!!1!!11!!!! name, isn't it?
Hard man going through turnstile going to Bangkok.
I though one night in Bangkok made a hard man humble...or in Dick's case mumble...
Sadly, it's an easy game to contrive a scenario where the monstrous action you are considering is the best, indeed the ONLY path to take to protect the weak and helpless Free Range Hostages (TM). But it's a far cry from "Would you cannibalize your dead fellow traveler in order to feed your child till rescuers find the plane?" to "Do you want fries with that?"
This reminds me of the cry for people to be allowed to carry concealed firearms 'most anywhere they like. (My home state, Minnesota, passed a law allowing this, to my sick surprise.)
The theory is that if most people ("citizens") have guns, other people with guns ("perps" and "crazies") won't use them.
The scenario is that the perp is taking aim on an ex-wife or robbing a bank, and the cool, responsible citizen shoots him. This may have happened, though I don't know of an instance. But the other 999/1000th time, the power of the gun is unleashed in anger, craziness, suicide, or accidentally.
Similarly, I suppose it is possible that somewhere, sometime, the single crook who knows all the details of the bombing plan is in your hands to be tortured into talking. But by definition you don't know whether what he tells you is true or not, and if the clock is ticking and he does know what the time frame is, isn't he more likely to send you elsewhere, or send you to the right place to disable a "5:30 bomb" that actually is set to blow at 5:15 -- while you're working on it?
If you were the bomber, even under torture, wouldn't that seem like a good idea?
Use some logic, people! What do they teach the kids these days? Deary me...
Have you ever noticed how often rightwingers threaten women with rape?
I saw this thread in the morning and blogged about it, of course Dickie hadn't posted at that time. Went over to Dichie boy's blog,... gee he has turned it into a soft porno site,... I wander what Dickie's wife think of it? I know that if I were to post material like that, Cathrine would be a word to two with me.
Does it surprise any of us that Dickie sees woman and objects, as is clearly demonstrated on his blog, one wonders if all is well on the home front with Dickie
Is that the same “hard man” that has to rush home to grill veggies on his BBQ before trolling porn sites and libeling people? Yeah, what a fuckin’ hero.
24 is truly the worst thing that ever happened to American television. Kiefer Sutherland should donate all his earnings to Amnesty International and the ACLU as penance.
"Now what are you going to do....?"
do i get to watch?
I wander what Dickie's wife think of it?Zorph, most likely she's just happy it keeps him busy and out of her way.
Whoah! No frickin' way. wv = "squejugg" I leave the definition to your own imagination. (or Dicky's)
Sad thing is Keifer Sutherland is a liberal and has done TV ads for the NDP - he is descended from Tommy Douglas fer crying out loud!
That said, the problem here is that reichwingers like these dirtbags think 24 is a documentary.
I liked the part where 'Greg in Dallas' posts: "Obama has now made an enemy of the CIA". It is a prime example of wishful thinking.
Obama greeted with cheers at CIA headquarters in Langleyand
The CIA inspector general in 2004 found that there was no conclusive proof that waterboarding or other harsh interrogation techniques helped the Bush administration thwart any "specific imminent attacks," according to recently declassified Justice Department memos. from McClatchy.com
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