Friday, April 24, 2009

"Serious charges" *bleep* "serious charges" *bleep* "serious charges" ...

Shorter Harper-bots: "Omar Khadr is facing serious charges."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've heard that mechanically regurgitated rationale before. One wonders if anyone in that party is actually capable of original thought.


Ti-Guy said...

Aaron Wherry has a related post about a conversation he had with Stephen Taylor's former lover, Ari...I mean Kory...Teneycke.

These people need to be jailed.

Dee said...

Wonder what the blogging Tories will say about this story? I laughed so hard I sprayed coffee snot all over my monitor.

Somena Woman said...

Dee - That's Hilarious!!!!THnks
and thank for the Laurie and Fry bit CC - excellent laugh there!

sooey said...

Original thought isn't their thing - original sin is.

Pay attention please, CC.