Thursday, April 30, 2009

Graduating from stupid, and moving on to dishonest.

Taking it to the next step, members of Canada's Sleaze-o-sphere are now being conveniently selective in their quotations as right-wing loon Weiner Pratfall does some careful snipping.

Wow, that's harsh. And curiously incomplete:

And that's why no one with the sense of a box of cat litter takes Weiner seriously. But I'm pretty sure you knew that already.

OH, DEAR. It should come as no surprise that Twatsy is already over there in the comments section, suffering from "CC Derangement Syndrome" and quietly stroking Weiner's brow, whispering sweet lies into his ear the whole time. That would be the same Twatsy who publicly threatened to physically assault me. Not quite the moral high ground you'd be expecting.


Anonymous said...

As I observed in his Comments section, this is the exact same strategy Republicans use in the United States to argue their right to carry guns: ignoring the other half of the 2nd Amendment.

Ti-Guy said...

Wiener is neither right wing nor left wing. He's a just a loon.

Frank Frink said...

Which ideology does Pratfalls subscribe to this week?

Ti-Guy wrote: He's a just a loon.I think the hat might be a tell

Ti-Guy said...

Which ideology does Pratfalls subscribe to this week?

I believe it might be anarcho-syndicalism, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm not really that interested in what he's subscribed to, but what he's prescribed...

Mike said...


Oh yes, I remember THAT episode only too well...over at The Amazing Wonderdog about 4 or 5 years ago...

WP was a member of every party and every political stripe within a span of a few weeks and even ended up defaming someone (a conservative blogger, oddly enough, who Skippy (PBUH) defended).

Ah, the good old days...I wonder whatever happened to Wonderdog...

Frank Frink said...

Mike, I also wonder. Came to mind a couple days ago while I was doing some research that led me to an old Wonderdog post.

Ti-Guy said...

I wonder whatever happened to Wonderdog...

So I do I. Maybe Skippy realised he was in danger of losing his sense of humour, something I wish I had realised back then.

Too late now.

liberal supporter said...

What was the context before "Forget the Marxists" ?

Cameron Campbell said...

LogicallySpeaking, re the 2nd: comma throws them..

Frank Frink said...

LS, if you're really interested, some of it here and more complete here. Read from bottom to top.

It began with this comment.

"Shoq: if conservatives can tell themselves that Colbert is a conservative, we can tell ourselves that @MichelleMalkin is a Marxist. #p4p"

liberal supporter said...

Thanks for reproducing some of the thread. I can't follow the links, I don't know enough about twitter (and its tracking systems) to enable it yet.

Frank Frink said...

Sorry, I realized after linking that you would actually have to be logged into Twitter to view it.

thwap said...

Werner wasn't exactly compassionate about Robert Dziekanski's case, especially in the light of his grieving mother.

Patshole hasn't ever reconciled his muscular christianity with that, has he?

KEvron said...

too soon?KEvron