Thursday, January 22, 2009

When a wanker's snark would exceed her grasp.

You have to be pretty special to diss someone's life-long academic credentials. I'm thinking more special than this:

... our own Suzuki, master of fruit flies and global warming BS.

Yes, that's Blogging Tory "Hunter," putting aside her Sarah Palin deluxe edition vibrator with the optional triple-action clitoral stimulator and John McCain anal probe just long enough to take a hilariously ineffective swing at David Suzuki's intellectual street cred.

I don't make this stuff up, folks. I don't have to.


Southern Quebec said...

She's "moderating" her comments now. Doncha love free speech?

Anonymous said...

Hunter is spelling very well today. Heh, you're right SQ, we've been "vanished"!

thwap said...

The BT's have been working extra hard to prove their intellectual irrelevance this past week, haven't they?

Ti-Guy said...

At a juncture such as this, I'd normally recommend moving up the Conservative food chain, but really...she doesn't sound any more bug-fucking ignorant than the smartest ones.

Anonymous said...

I love when bloggers censor and moderate comments - their blogs then go through a honey coated sunshiny period, blissfully free of what one commenter today is calling mockers and troublemakers.

"Aieeeeee. Run from the lefties."

Ridonculously dramatical.

Red Tory said...

BTW, Hunter. Glad you've turned on comment moderation, again. We really don't need the mockers and trouble-makers.

Echo, echo, echo, echo...

Anonymous said...


Southern Quebec said...

Cue sycophants AlbertaGril and MaryT....

Filcher said...

A complete disregard for the advancement in autism research through the study of fruit flies. a complete disregard for the piles and piles of researched papers that do prove global warming and man are related. A complete lack of basic understanding that both democracy and knowledge is based on getting diverse opinions and weighing the legitimacy of each one.

Anonymous said...

My issue is that attacking global warming via Suzuki is like attacking Stephen Harper via Stephen Taylor. Suzuki, while a supporter of environmental issues, is not a climatologist nor, as far as I know, does any research of his own in fields relating to climatology.

Ti-Guy said...

Yeah, but with Suzuki, we can at least have confidence that there is an appreciable degree of scientific literacy.

I'm not even sure most Conservatives understand how the light turns off in the fridge when they close the door.

liberal supporter said...

I'm not even sure most Conservatives understand how the light turns off in the fridge when they close the door.

Darn! I guess there wouldn't be any point in using my refrigerator analogy.

I thought that for those who moan "It's 20 below, where is the global warming" I could direct them to their nearest RV centre. There they would see the "Suzuki machine". It should be called the "Suzuki machine" because it must be fake, BS and really just a means of taking all our money and destroying the economy. The "Suzuki machine" must be fake, you know like those perpetual motion machines, because like global warming they make these outrageous claims for it which just can't possibly be true. The "Suzuki machine" gets very cold inside, the more heat you apply to it. Just like the Earth! You heat the Suzuki machine and it gets cold!

What a crock! Where is my picture of a thermometer? Even weirder, they claim that if you stop applying heat to the "Suzuki machine", it stops getting cold!

The "Suzuki machine" is also misleadingly called a propane refrigerator.

Dr.Dawg said...

I'm not even sure most Conservatives understand how the light turns off in the fridge when they close the door.

How do you know it does? What a leap of faith!

Frank Frink said...

I'm not even sure most Conservatives understand how the light turns off in the fridge when they close the door.

Or how a thermos bottle knows whether to keep a liquid hot or cold.