Monday, January 05, 2009

Senator. Franken.

Apparently, it's all over, except for the inevitable, pathetic GOP snivelling, whining, pants-pissing, court challenge, possible filibuster and rancid hypocrisy.

Who could have guessed?

AFTERSNARK: I would agree with a number of pundits who suggest that, the instant Franken is certified as the winner, Reid should try to seat him and force the GOP to filibuster. Just to, you know, make it clear that, with the current economic meltdown, the GOP's priorities have nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with playing schoolground politics.

Like that would come as a huge surprise to anyone.

SNICKER: Over at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, one commenter has the perfect summary of the relentless flip-flopping of the Coleman campaign:

[Coleman] didnt want to count wrongfully rejected absentees, now he wants to count legally rejected absentees (but only from those districts that voted 65% for Coleman)... he flipped on how to count duplicates/originals when one was missing, now wants to go back (after Franken camp agreed to count the way Coleman wanted) but ONLY to back out those votes in heavily Dem areas...

Yeah, that sums it up as well as it can be summed up. What a douchebag.


The Skinny said...

are you suggesting that conservatives don't care about the economy collapsing and engage in selfish politicking?

Well thank god the Canadians are smarter right.

sooey said...

Our Parliament isn't even in session. The Conservatives prorogued it.

Ti-Guy said...

I'm back musing darkly about gassing all of these people. I read a post on Commentary yesterday and remarked at how energised all the "conservatives" seemed to be about the prospect of tormenting Obama's administration with Clinton era-style suspicion, vilification and criminal libel. And this, before the inauguration.

You'd think they'd have learned a lesson by now. I can't help feeling that their psychological/spiritual state is simply irremediable.