Monday, December 01, 2008

What is wrong with this picture?

Document the overwhelming dumbfuckitude:

Today, in a backroom on Parliament Hill, a group of 75 people got together and decided who Canada's Prime Minister would be.

They decided to overturn the decision of the 5,205,334 people who selected Stephen Harper as their Prime Minister.

And that is why we mock them. Because they're stupid.


KEvron said...

fun with math! now just invert his sources (pm's for electorate and vice versa) and shove it back down his throat.


Frank Frink said...

Not to mention that anyone who isn't a mouthbreathing, Big Daddy leg humping, buffleheaded fucktard already knows we don't elect Prime Ministers.

But I sure am enjoying watching BT heads explode a la Louis del Grande. As Billy Sol Hurok might say, "blowed up real good".

thwap said...

They don't understand their own country's political system yet they want to enforce their delusions about it on others through the barrel of a gun.

Ti-Guy said...

The role of Prime Minister isn't even mentionned in the constitution. It's a convention.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm..... Is no one looking to the end of the recession, when whoever was in power during the recession is voted to minor party status?

Only a complete moron would want the reigns now... And it seems we will now get a trio, opening with an imediate $30 billion dollars we can ill afford. Where is that money going? Big auto?

Luna said...

Holy shit... "Canada and Zimbabwe... just about the only difference now is the temperature."

Yeah, and the mass rapes. The fact that a girl in Zimbabwe has a way better chance of being raped than learning to read.

Holy tapdancing Buddha, that statement pisses me off.