Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Denyseitude of it all.

It's been a while since we've checked in on Canada's most prominent IDiot, Denyse O'Leary. One wonders what she's been hallucinating. Uh oh ...

Fact: In North America, you cannot legally line up people at gun point and force them to watch some propaganda film about Darwin - or about anything - and threaten to shoot them if they say they do not believe it. If that is not the law where you live, please hold a revolution now.*

*As a traditional Canadian, I am not a fan of revolutions in general. We prefer peaceful transitions. But we must all be realists. In Canada, nature is our vast antagonist, not man. Check a map But in some places maybe people need a revolution, to get the point across.

Watching someone melt down intellectually is always sad.


Lindsay Stewart said...

What the sweet crunchy fuck is she jibbering about?

Unknown said...

I was just about to ask @_@

Renee said...

30 seconds I'll never get back...