How interesting ...

I'm curious ... why is someone from the Privy Council Office interested in the demented ravings of a perpetual troll? Seriously, what's the connection?
P.S. For both barrels of Sassylassie's brand of dementia, check out the comments section here, where even Adrian "Raphael Alexander" MacNair has to ask her to get a grip.
P.P.S. No, seriously, why is the Privy Council Office interested in a screeching, ignorant racist like Sassylassie? That's not rhetorical -- I'm genuinely curious. Someone there clearly has way too much time on their hands. (Or, of course, that search has nothing to do with the aforementioned racist dingbat, but it's more interesting to not consider that possibility, don't you think? :-)
The Privy Council is waiting for the day when you go insane and batshit crazy so that they can start having Mr. Democrazy Stephan Taylor give you information for your blog...
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it...
That's not a theory, that's a symptom.
Since the PCO is a hissing, snarling nest of Harpies, that could be just "sassylassie" googling herself.
Aww, Ti-Guy beat me to it. Therefore the "sassylassie is from the PCO" theory must actually be a conspiracy of evil climate scientists.
heh. you said "privy"!
OMG! Wasn't aware Sassylassie's reputation ended up on the Blogosphere.
I've caught her rantings on CBC and National Post Comment boards.
She is truly demented!
Canada has a council on privys? Or is that Canadian for something important?
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