Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blogging for the hard of thinking.

Blogging Tory "Splatto" is a bit pissed over that obvious mainstream media hyperbole:

Harper Never Said ‘Satan’
Posted on October 11th, 2008 by Matt, proud member of the Blogging Tories

Harper says he’s been demonized as ‘Satan’ in Quebec

This article claims that Harper is accusing opponents as demonizing him as ‘Satan’. Nowhere in the article is there a quote from Stephen Harper with the word “satan”.

Is it really acceptable to use such a hyperbolic title for a news story, attributing a word to an individual that wasn’t actually uttered?

And if we follow the link to read the same content that Matt is yanking his undies over, we read:

"In this campaign the Bloc has called me every name in the book. They literally went through the entire dictionary. And not the Little Robert (French dictionary). The Big Robert," Harper said, drawing laughs.

"For the leader of the Bloc, I'm the devil incarnate. The devil who will take us all to hell.

See, Matt, while he didn't actually use the word "Satan," he did refer specifically to the "devil," which is normally understood, in Western civilization, to be in a Christian context which ...

You know what, Matt? It's just easier to call you stupid.


Robert said...

I still wish some reporter had been thinking quick on their feet and thought to ask Harper if he really beleived that 'Noah' had built an 'ark', loded it up with 'two of every animal', etc.

Could have been a WK/Barney the dinoisaur moment...

Robert said...

er... dinosaur... sorry typing too fast.