Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Clean Up In Aisle 4

Here's the aftermath of the truck that didn't get away. The big slab of concrete in the foreground of this first shot was snapped quite cleanly in half and tossed  a good two metres. The chewed up plant bed near the sidewalk used to be home to quite a nice steel light fixture set into a slab of concrete. It seems to have vapourized as I saw no evidence of it on the grass.

The concrete slab that the wall was sitting on was lifted an inch or two clear of the ground.

Turns out the truck had been stopped for a routine violation, when the officer approached the vehicle he took off. The high speed chase ended here. The driver is really damned lucky that he isn't facing vehicular homicide charges. This all took place on the sidewalk beside the bus terminal at peak traffic time, right after school let out. The driver of the bus I rode today recognized me and said he'd seen the whole thing. By his estimation the truck missed me by about a foot and he wasn't sure I'd actually cleared the vehicle until it was passing me. The sudden sprint, adrenalin and knapsack I was carrying have combined to put a twinge in my neck, could have been one messy bunch worse. That's enough close calls for the time being thanks.


Beijing York said...

You are so lucky because 1 foot is damn close. I hope they clobber the driver with dangerous driving among other serious charges.

I never understood that kind of idiotic behaviour. Do people actually think they can outrun the police and get away? High speed chases usually end up bad, with either the driver, the cops and/or innocent third parties getting hurt or killed.

JJ said...

Wow. I hope you're okay. A close call like that is enough to shake anyone up.

Frank Frink said...

Good grief man!

Anonymous said...

Uncle PSA,

I'm so relieved that you're okay. I will call you very soon, and you can tell me more about this harrowing experience.

900ft Jesus said...

I read your earlier post on this, but seeing the pictures...I have no words except I am wondering if your legs still feel like rubber 'cause mine do just imagining it.

Glad you're alright!

Lindsay Stewart said...

thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. i imagine there might be a soul or two snapping their fingers and wishing that pickup had a little more pickup. lol. i'm well recovered but i do keep returning to the instant of realization when i think about it. that moment when my little wrinkled brain pan flashed alerts and i realized, he's on the sidewalk. the little rational voice in the head keeps saying, he isn't supposed to be on the sidewalk. the rest of the brain is punching the 'run away' button. i'd rather not go through that again but i am unharmed.

ootpoot said...

If this picture was taken in front of your building, then you may have given away clues to your secret identity.
There are only a few roads in K-W with that style of streetlamps, and there appears to be a number on the fascia of the yellow brick building to the right.
Time to crop and photoshop, else you'll end up with rightwing looneys aiming their limousines at you as they sip lattes from their CPoC coffee mugs.

Chimera said...

"The driver is really damned lucky that he isn't facing vehicular homicide charges."

The driver is lucky??? PSA, you really oughta check your compassion compass for alignment!

What's that red stuff on the walkway in the top photo? I sure hope it's brick stuff, rather than people stuff...

ootpoot said...

'chimera' fails the entry exams for both Crime Scene Investigator AND bricklayer.

Chimera said...

Huh. Just as long as I don't fail geddindafugoudadaway, I'm cool. :)