Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rich people behaving assholishly.

Really, just follow the fetus fetishist-related links, here, here, here and here.

. Despite the early reports, "First Place Pregnancy Centre" is, in fact, a registered charity, albeit under the different name of "Crisis Pregnancy Centre of Ottawa." But if they're a registered charity, doesn't that mean that donations to them are tax deductible? And if they are, well, I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.

It seems like only yesterday that the shrieking dingbats of the Canadian Nutjob-o-sphere were up in arms about (public taxpayer) funding going to the Status of Women Canada because that group indulged in (gasp! horrors!) "advocacy." Well, then, what's bad for the goose and all that, don't you think?

Frankly, I can't think of more blatant advocacy than a virulently anti-choice bunch of wingnuts trying to discourage women from getting abortions. And if SUZANNE and her following of drooling, mouth-breathing troglodytes were upset about that, then one would think they should be equally (and consistently) upset about this, wouldn't you say?

So let's see if anyone over at the Blogging Tories can rouse themselves from their Cheeto-encrusted BarcaLounger to show the identical outrage now that one of their own has been caught dipping into the taxpayers' pocket. Sadly, though, if experience is any guide, what we'll get is a smattering of sanctimonious hypocrisy, liberally flavoured with the word "whiners" or some variation thereof. And we will, of course, be told that that's, you know, "different."

Because, you know, it just is. You know.


Ti-Guy said...

They won't criticise this. The Conservatives believe that advocacy is a free market enterprise (like all human activities should be) and what they want is for Status of Women Canada to operate on exactly the same basis as these duplicitous "crisis pregnancy" shams. That's why the unnecessary cuts were made to Status of Women in the first place.

For Conservatives, there is no such thing as social justice or equality as first principles; if they exist, they're simply manifestations of what prevails in the market.

Yes, they're that crazy and evil.

JJ said...

She links to Shaidle squealing about SWC "feeding at the public trough"?


What's that expression again? "There but for the grace of..."