Thursday, December 27, 2007

OK, this is not a good thing.

Benazir Bhutto assassinated. I suspect there are going to be ugly repercussions. Anyone want to bet on how quickly Musharraf re-imposes martial law?

AFTERSNARK: I'm waiting for the inevitable Fox News coverage. You know it's coming.


Anonymous said...

Some commentators think this will mean civil war in Pakistan now.


counter-coulter said...

Anyone want to bet on how quickly Musharraf re-imposes martial law?

How incredibly convenient for Musharraf. After the Oct. 18th bombing he did nothing, even when questions started to arrise about the possibility of complicity within his own security forces.

And now with Bhutto out of the way, who's to stop him from once again doing a power grab. But I will say this; if he does try to declare martial law, there will be rioting in the streets if they aren't already doing so by then and fingers will squarly be pointed at Musharrraf.

Lindsay Stewart said...

i fear the rioting is a foregone conclusion. they're calling for people to remain indoors for their own safety in anticipation of widespread riots. what an ugly mess. if this escalates there's no telling what sort of mayhem might ensue.