Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dear global warming skeptics:

The next moron who says “So much for global warming, huh?” after I say “Damn, it’s cold out here” is going to get my foot so far up their ass, it's going to require a crowbar to get it out.

I realize that it’s completely pointless to try and explain to your average wingnut righttard that global warming isn’t just a case of the planet getting hotter but also increased instances of extreme weather – like, oh, I don't know ... 50 to 60cm of snow in a 24-hour period with temperatures around -27 with the wind chill, but come on, people. Seriously.

And since this girl takes Thai kick-boxing and wears shoes just like these, do you really want my foot anywhere near your ass?

LuLu’s actual smokin’ mary jane bitch heels


Red Tory said...

The funny thing is that many on the Right (the AGW deniers, mostly) accuse the Left (the AGW subscribers, presumably) of doing the same thing if there is unusually warm or otherwise freakish weather. Now, while I have heard some nitwits attribute the incredible wind storms we had here last year (the ones that ripped up Stanley Park) for example, to global warming, I don’t know too many people willing to make the direct causal connection between the two, or fail to recognize the difference between “climate” and “weather.”

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

While these relatively frequent severe weather events do suggest a disturbing trend, a collection of photographs of thermometers apparently provides very compelling evidence that everything's just fine.

Is it that none of these people have children, or what? Maybe they figure that the very poor will die first, leaving the survivors better off?

chris said...

It becomes obvious when you read the climate blogs, like desmogblog, that the deniers cannot imagine a global process, or a timescale longer than next week. So, they're stuck with today's weather.
On the other hand they can get right behind the notion of an enormous Gorezuki conspiracy to take away their toys. That makes them the victims, a favorite conservative position, and absolves them of any responsibility. For anything.
Can we get some grownups in here, please?
PS: Morons, note the safety strap on LuLu's ASMJB shoe. That's so it doesn't come off before the mission is complete.

LuLu said...

PS: Morons, note the safety strap on LuLu's ASMJB shoe. That's so it doesn't come off before the mission is complete.

Safety first ...

Red Tory said...

There's something missing from that picture... Something that should be on top of the shoes. Hmmm. What is it? Oh yeah, a house.

KEvron said...

"LuLu’s actual smokin’ mary jane bitch heels"

so much for global warming, huh?

VEry NAughty BOy

Robert McBean. said...

heh. i think somebody just got margaret hamiltoned.

why do women wear shoes like that anyway? i guess its one of those things men will not understand. but they must hurt.

a lot of people like to throw out cheap shots long after they've lost an argument.

Ti-Guy said...

I've hated shoes since 1995 and I blame John fucking Fluevog.

Sheena said...

"If my feet stink it is because I kick ass" Sheena Copyright 2007.

Mike said...

Would you wear a leather mask while you did it?

Just, uhm, curious....

Mike Martlet said...

Yes shoes like that do hurt but not the wearer! There's plenty of room for the toes; you can see her toe cleavage and her toes end not much further in the shoe, - the long point is empty! But they do hurt those who are on the receiving end of a kick almost as much as a stab with the stiletto heels; particularly if its in the front of the pants rather than the rear. The phrase "ruined for life" comes to mind; those sharp points concentrating the force into such a small area are certainly capable of that. I know women who admit to fantasizing about that too when they look down at the points on their own feet; so perhaps that's why they wear them!