Saturday, December 08, 2007

Blogging Tories and the DMCA: Asleep at the wheel again.

Stupid. Useless. Cocksuckers.

Seriously, I was hoping to get out of town quietly, but this latest BT outrage simply can't go unaddressed.

Where the fuck are the Blogging Tories on this? This story is absolutely exploding, with more and more of Canada's progressive (read, not-retarded) bloggers jumping on and trying to explain why this is one of most hideous pieces of legislation imaginable, and Canada's "Getting things done for Canadians" Blogging Tories are utterly missing in action.

Stupid. Useless. Cocksuckers.

One would think that this is an issue that crosses ideological boundaries, to protect the rights of all Canadians with respect to copyright and fair use and stuff like that there but, apparently, none of that matters to Canada's Dumbfuck-o-sphere. They're apparently far too busy obsessing over this worthless bullshit.

Stupid. Useless. Cocksuckers.

So here's the plan. For all of you people who intend to continue blogging on this issue, at the end of every DMCA-related post, I want you to link to that page above -- to the Blogging Tory search engine -- to show how Canada's vaunted, conservative collective are a bunch of (you guessed it):

Stupid. Useless. Cocksuckers.

No exceptions. This will, of course, have no effect whatsoever on their stupid, useless, corporate cocksuckerishness. But at least we can demonstrate who really does give a shit about Canadians and their rights, and who doesn't.

Every DMCA-related post. No excuses. No exceptions.


P.S. Dear Google: Blogging Tories. Stupid, useless, corporate cocksuckers.


Ti-Guy said...

Be grateful. If teh Bloggin' Torees actually did address the issue, you can pretty much guarantee they'd dumb it anyway.

The Seer said...

Dear CC:

I agree with ti-guy. You're being too hard on the BT's.

Have you ever considered that:

1. The BT's probably don't have clearance from the PMO to talk about the DaMnCAnada bill. Much less guidance on what to say about it. It's not like they've got The White House Press Secretary and his IV machine.

2. The DaMnCAnada bill probably contains technical legal issues that the BT's aren't competent to discuss anyway. The BT's might make fools of themselves if they started talking aboot something they don't understand.

3. And another thing, having a PMO is like having a Bible-believing minister: you don't actually have to read the whole bloomin' thing when you have a Bible-believing minister or a consumer-protecting minister like Sweet Jimmy Prentice to read it for you and give you the authorized version of what's in it. It's like your local bishop putting his imprimatur and his nihil obstat on it.

4. If the BT's actually did read the DaMnCAnada bill, then likely as not they're going to encounter the same problem they run into when they actually read The Bible — they might see stuff they're not supposed to read because there's no way they're going to understand it, at least not without the right kind of guidance. You know, like not having anything to do with shrimp or lobster, which would be bad for the economy in Atlantic Canada, which not even Jack Layton wants you to see. Or they might figure this thing was written by a nut case so sorry in his orientation to time and place he could not possibly have superhero powers.

5. The less said aboot the DaMnCAnada bill, the more respect Canadians are going to have for Glorious Leader and the easier it's going to be for Canada's New Government to devise New Ways of Making Canada Waltz for Proper Canadians, or whatever way they put it.

On the whole, I think the BT's should be commended for their faith and their loyalty. Let the North Star shine.

P.S. Chill.

Prole said...

Your wish is my command.

Lindsay Stewart said...

"The BT's might make fools of themselves"

i take issue with the use of the word 'might' in this context. thank you.

Red Tory said...

Perhaps they’re unconcerned because their own “intellectual property” is fallow at the moment.