Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Children with guns.

And via Liberal Catnip, we have the armchair warriors over at Open Bathrobe Media™, one-upping each other over how much they learned from their subscription to "Soldier of Fortune" magazine and tripping over one another to see who can be the first to publish the details of American military operations in Iraq to make sure the swarthy bad people are always on top of things -- American military operations-wise.

Yessir, nothing says "Support the troops" like making sure the enemy knows exactly where they are and what they're up to.

The high-resolution photos are just a bonus.

: I love the pretentious dateline on that piece: "Exclusive Report From PJM Baghdad Editor Omar @ Iraq the Model." I can just imagine the conversation that led to that:

PJM: "Hey, ItM. You got a blog, you wanna be a 'contributing editor'?"
ItM: "Well, OK, but I wanna be a senior editor."
PJM: "No can do, what about our 'Baghdad Editor'?
ItM: "All right, I guess so. Do I get a t-shirt?"
PJM: "No, but we have coffee mugs."
ItM: "Cool. I'm in."

This is CC, signing off from the CC World News Headquarters here in Waterloo, Ontario.


M@ said...

Where do I apply for Northwest Cambridge Bureau Chief?

Anonymous said...

That whole Pajamaline outfit is embarrassingly amateurish. Anyone who associates with undeniable retards like LaShawn Barber automatically loses credibility.

How much does it pay, I wonder? Is wingnut welfare flowing like water through that toilet?

Anonymous said...

besides, if they want to support the troops, they should be buying "esprit de corps". gawd. an iggorance what could fill space.

jollyspaniard said...

I did like their interview with Ron Perle a while back. It was actualy quite damning of the current administration in a "The whole mess isn't really my fault" sort of way.

The accusations that get spitted out of the mouths of any ideologue towards their real or percieved enemies usually are more descriptive of the accuser than the accused.