Tuesday, September 05, 2023

How much of a sleazebag is Lawrence Greenspon?

From what I've read so far, a lot.


Anonymous said...

He and the other lawyer object to the word "occupation" and he says the case is about freedom of expression v. property rights. Property rights?! What an asshole.
Like convoyers shitting and pissing on public and private property because they were a bunch of vandals?


Anonymous said...

"Lich and Barber's defence lawyers said they hope that by admitting the protest was disruptive, they can avoid having to hear from nine witnesses, including Ottawa residents, business owners and an employee who works for the city's transit operator."

What about those people's right to freedom of expression? Only callous bigots get to testify without ever apologizing for the harm they did to people in Ottawa? They are just trying to avoid bad publicity from truth tellers.



MgS said...

Greenspon is a defence lawyer - it’s literally his job to represent his clients.

If he thinks that trying to frame the occupation of Ottawa as a “protest” and “bouncy castle festival” is what’s going to convince the court that his clients are not guilty, or only guilty of relatively minor offences, then that’s fair ball - no matter how much we dislike his clients.

What I’d like to know is exactly where several million $ that made their way into the hands of convoy organizers came from and where it went. (I have a distinct feeling that Mr. Greenspon’s fees are being paid by a chunk of it). I’m also more than a little surprised that no charges of money laundering or other financial chicanery have been laid yet.

Anonymous said...

I think a bunch of GoFundMe donations were returned to the donors, and maybe $6 million in escrow for the class action civil suit against them, so they won't get that unless the civil suit fails. And I don't know about the digital currency, it seems complicated.

Whatever their original intentions, I'm not sure they managed to pocket a lot of it.

