Sunday, September 10, 2023


Man who has never had children or been a teacher of any kind will now lecture you on proper child-rearing and principles of education:


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. It stands to reason that an authority on governance, history, pornography, the Constitution and Charter, epidemiology, climate, bikinis, marketing, martial arts of every kind, global religion, libel and slander, immigration, gender issues, courtroom strategy, communication and the value of mass-produced junk dishware would be a sought-out source of wisdom on child-rearing. After all, when you spend 40+ years in a state of emotional and intellectual infancy and complete economic dependence, you would surely develop a certain first hand expertise on the topic.

RossOwesDay said...

Why is Twatsy so rageful towards LGBTQIA2S+ people and issues? It's easy to understand his bitter misogyny towards women, given his repellent nature to members of the fairer sex. Heck, it's also easy to understand why a low-IQ, blue-collar chump failure like Twatsy would resent teachers. But why the hatred and cruelty towards sexual minorities?

(P.S. - We all know you're reading this, Twatsy. All of those "lesbians" you lust over in your now-moldy Penthouse collection from the late 1990's and early 2000's aren't really gay.)

Purple library guy said...

Thing is, he's just parroting the alt-right line about this. It's a vile and ludicrous line, but it's not like he's got the creativity to invent it.

This whole thing about teachers shows one of the weirder aspects of these alt-right conspiracy theories in stark relief. That is, they always involve nefarious people of some sort doing nefarious things that involve significant risk . . . for shits and giggles, apparently. It gets particularly strange when it's apparently a whole category of people who are not known for their nefarious malevolence.
So like, with Covid, apparently there's this huge conspiracy by fucking nurses to endanger and kill people. I mean, really?!

And so now, with this anti-Trans (and antigay) moral panic thing, we've got teachers, people who got into a not especially well paid job with a vicious workload, mostly because they wanted to give kids an education. And, pretty much none of them are themselves trans. But supposedly there's this widespread conspiracy by teachers to take kids who have no particular inherent trans (or gay) leanings, and convince them to become trans and/or gay, because . . . um . . . well, just because! Now, research generally suggests this ain't possible anyway, and the miserable (and damaging!) failure of right wing attempts to program people into not being gay any more underlines that pretty strongly. But even if it were possible, what kind of mind does it take to decide that, to suit their prejudices, it's OK to pretend all teachers are evil?

Augray said...

What Patrick's really upset about is that someone might not agree with the gender identity that Patrick assigns them. I prefer to treat someone the way they want to be treated, which includes using whatever pronouns they want me to use. And speaking as someone who's had a relative come out as trans in the last few years, that isn't always easy. Old habits die hard. ;)

Anonymous said...

If conservatives had any self-awareness whatsoever, they’d see tweets like this not as big-brained adult takes, but the evidence of the real indoctrination of kids (and just idiots in general) the right is constantly engaged in. Takes like this online are far too common and yet very far from normal behaviour from well adjusted people. As always, the right seems to be projecting and are really just angry that letting kids be themselves in a safe and supportive environment will undue all the far-right indoctrination into hate and bigotry they love to spread.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that just yesterday Poilievre was getting all emotional about his wonderful parents who were both teachers I believe.


RossOwesDay said...

ValJ: True, but Poilievre didn't mention that he's proud of his father for being an "out" gay man.