Monday, September 04, 2023

Is Bruce Pardy an imbecile? The evidence is compelling.

Here's Bruce Pardy -- an alleged lawyer and professor of law at Queen's University -- arguing against professions having professional codes of conduct:

I honestly thought no one could be more professionally unprofessional than Brian Lilley or Lorrie Goldstein but, well, there you go.


Coolxenu said...

The man who took the O out of Parody. Sad.

Purple library guy said...

Well, right wing lawyers would seem to have strong reasons to wish their professional associations didn't have standards of conduct, judging by how often they get disbarred . . .

Anonymous said...

Pardy's piece says nothing at all about professional codes of conduct. He makes two main points. First, that courts are overly deferential to the decisions of regulatory bodies. And second, that professional regulatory bodies are exceeding their mandates by imposing penalties without a disciplinary hearing finding professional misconduct.

Jordan Peterson is an ass, but even he shouldn't to be sanctioned without a hearing. "Sentence first–verdict afterward," as the Queen said in Alice in Wonderland, is supposed to be fiction, not reality.