Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Might I ask a really stupid question?

Is he allowed to mute Rebel News? Even if a government account is obligated to be readable by anyone who wants to read it, is there anything that requires such an account to have to deal with the profound ignorance and arrogant mockery of a sleazy grifter like Ezra Levant?

P.S. I will have more to say on this, but I think we can all agree -- Steven Guilbeault behaved very, very stupidly and brought this humiliation on himself.


MgS said...

Guilbeaut behaved _EXACTLY_ like any number of prominent conservatives have - both in power and in opposition.

Hell - Poilievre regularly ignores questions from media sources he’s decided are “hostile”, and then there’s the block lists of politicians like Rempel-Garner…

Anonymous said...

WTF is this fresh hell?

All Conservative politicians regularly block Canadians on Twitter. Daniel Smith is one of them, and so is Michele Remple. How come they haven't been sanctioned as well. I smell a rat .Who is this fucking judge anyway?

C. Mike Hunt said...

I would assume he is.

Coolxenu said...

Alt-right rubes are not good at math.