Friday, September 29, 2023

What in the fuck ...



Anonymous said...

Put sprinklers in all the forests; or if people steal the hoses then build water pipelines with strategic leaks all over the place. Simple.


Anonymous said...

Well there's your problem. All these wildfires we've been having in Canada this year, causing air quality issues and mass evacuations...they could've been prevented if we sent a bunch of rainstorms to fall in all those locales before the fires happened.

"Oh, it's so dumb it's brilliant."
"NO! It's just dumb!"

Imagine having Trump - who once bragged about "getting a perfect score" on a test checking for dementia - as one of your thought leaders. It says something that finding out that Trump was suffering from dementia would've been the better option of explaining why he acts and talks like he does, instead of finding out that he's just a fucking idiot. Then again, Republicans would have taken advantage of him either way (as seen with Ronald Reagan), so does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

I suppose that dampening the forests of the entire Excited States of America might seem an easier solution than raking the forest floors, as the Great Orange Trmupkin proposed as a solution in 2018 to alleviate forest fires, but then again, probably not.
Bob Nichol

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Madison, what you just said...

Anonymous said...

This week he announce his plan for reducing the wave of flash-mob thefts in retail outlets. His proposal; shoot them as they leave the store.
I wonder if Trump has discovered the Ann Coulter principle yet. If your product is "outrage" and your market is the perpetually enraged, then like addiction you have have to step up the dose of crazy with each new utterance, or lose your market dominance.