Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Democracy Fund 2022 filing is here!

So, who wants to start poking around?

1) Uh ... why is it that expenses are so much higher than revenue?

2) Holy fuck, but some people are getting filthy rich off of this "charity":

I AM HAVING TROUBLE INTERPRETING THE ABOVE, so anyone who understands this is welcome to weigh in. Revenue for year ending 2022 is listed as $2.4M, while expenses are listed as the much higher $4,1M, almost all of that going to "charitable programs." But how does one categorize the "Compensation" amounts, total of around $3.1M?

Is that part of the $4.1M above? That doesn't seem right as that $4.1M is described as "charitable programs." So how does the total for "Compensation" fit into all this? It sure looks like, over the calendar 2022, TDF paid more in executive compensation and lawyers' fees than they brought in in total revenue.

Can someone make sense of this for me?


Anonymous said...

I have questions but no expertise.

@TDF_Can is livetweeting the trial. Maybe they would argue that this is an educational activity, but since they are funding the defendants maybe it's more like one-sided propaganda.

I thought charities were supposed to spend about as much as came in but perhaps this is flexible over a couple of years, and they did not know when the trials would be scheduled. Still, the Lich trial expenses should mostly be in the 2023 report, so is there another deficit to come?

I wonder if TDF paid for her book tour. The book was published by Rebel Media, did TDF pay Rebel Media for that?

Maybe the deficit explains why TDF will not pay expenses for Barber or the Coutts 4.

Info about reporting TDF:


MgS said...

My take is that the first couple of years operations left them with a sizeable chunk of cash in the bank, and now that they are underwriting several high profile legal cases, there's a lot of money going out in lawyers' fees.

As for the amount of money that's disappearing in "executive compensation" and suchlike, well ... it would be completely unsurprising to see there being a fair chunk of that being slurped up by the directors of the charity.

Anonymous said...

Their Board is interesting. Lyle Dunkley was the first Chairperson of Ezra's original Western Standard, with a string of oil company gigs. Joe Nadler is an old buddy of Ezra's from the Canada Israel Committee.

Purple library guy said...

Maybe they simply did have far more expenses than revenue, 'cause they had a slush fund left over from previous years, which they burned through a bunch of?
Or, maybe they're impressively bad at figures?
Or, maybe they had some big revenue source/s which they did not admit to the existence of?
Maybe they are deeply in hock?
I can't think of many other possibilities.

Coolxenu said...

Is there any evidence that they do any of this:

"To relieve poverty by providing health supplies and other necessities of life to impoverished families in disaster-stricken and other needs-based areas including Iraq, Hong Kong, China, Syria or elsewhere."