Friday, September 15, 2023


Unprincipled, untalented hack Brian Lilley who has, for years, repeated and defended Doug Ford's pathetic blaming of previous Wynne administration, is suddenly outraged -- OUTRAGED, I TELL YOU!!! -- by politicians blaming previous administrations from years past:


Coolxenu said...

It's okay when short attention span, ignorant alt-rights do it!

Purple library guy said...

That said, if Doug Ford's blaming of Wynne was pathetic (which it was), that does imply that Trudeau blaming Harper likewise has some pathos to it.

And let's face it, Trudeau has done pretty little about housing. Not nothing exactly, but it recalls to me a line from that old poem about Mackenzie King: "Do nothing by halves
Which can be done by quarters."

CC said...

One can point out hypocrisy without taking one side or the other.