Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Seriously ...

What is your favourite Ben Shapiro moment? I present the time that, to promote Home Depot, he purchased a single board ... and had them wrap it for him:

And there's always this. But make your own recommendations in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

I can't find it now, but when he dressed as Ken to complain about "Barbie" and someone photoshopped a pantless waist-down Ken body onto this photo. No wood there, just plastic nothing.

Purple library guy said...

I love the Aquaman bit. (I also love one of the comments to it, which went "Mr. Shapiro claims to be against Communism, and yet he allows himself to be publicly owned like this.")

Anonymous said...

In other news, this is amusing, an anti-LGBTQ2S+ protester complaining that the counter-protesters have surrounded them and taken over the street in front of Parliament.
Strong Benergy there, heh heh heh.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, a couple of things come to mind, though one more directly than the other.

The first one, when ol' Ben-Ben was commenting on the Cardi B-Megan Thee Stallion hit "WAP". His reading of some of the lyrics of the song, including saying "wet ass p-word", couldn't have made him look any more white, male, and conservative. Plus, there was the self-own of a Twitter post where he basically stated that his wife's vagina is drier than the Sahara Desert. I mean, if I was a woman and in the general vicinity of Ben, I'd probably be the same way. Perhaps it's related to the above photo, since I'm sure someone told him to "wrap up his wood before giving it to his wife" and he took it literally.

The second one isn't directly related to him. The podcast Behind The Bastards did an eight-part series on his fictional novel "True Allegiance", where they read excerpts of it is SOOOOO horrible. It's beyond clear that the book was (a) likely originally written as a screenplay, (b) had no editor, and (c) is a commentary on his crippling insecurity regarding his short stature. Seriously, damn near every character has their height and weight listed for seemingly no reason, with most of the good guys being tall and a lot of the bad guys being fun-sized.

As another example of how badly written it is, there is this excerpt from page 2 of the 1st chapter. I don't know which part is worse:

- Is it the fact that somehow no one knows the name of a star football player, and just refers to him as "Yard"? I mean, unless he's new to the neighbourhood, I have to assume some of the students grew up with "Yard" throughout school, and should know his actual name. Also, does this mean all the teachers refer to him as "Yard"? Even on the first day of school, and they're having him as a student for the first time? Did I mention that I don't think this book had an editor, or at least a compentent one?

- Or is it the part where said person (who is black) is described as "six foot five, clocked in at a solid two hundred eighty pounds, and looked like he was headed straight for a lifetime of prison workouts," because, you know...racist!

I mean, the latter for sure, but the former is just astoundingly bad writing, and it somehow got worse from there. Seriously, the guy abuses commas more than I do, and I feel like I overuse them whenever I write something.

CC said...

Anon @ 1:57 PM: I'll see you your Ben Shapiro dreck, and raise you ...

Yes, I'm being cruel.

Anonymous said...

CC, this is the thanks I get for posting about "True Allegiance"? Have you no sense of decency, sir?


Okay, fair's fair, but still...

Geez, reading the few screenshots I did (I tapped out before I got too deep into it), I can't help but see what happens when Ben Shapiro takes all the spare commas, then leaves an excess amount of periods and "ands". Ol' Patty Boy takes them all, and misuses them liberally. I still think Ben's book is worse, if only because it was actually published and meant for a wide audience. Well, wide as far as the conversative book market is concerned. Twatsick Attraction's poor prose is only unleashed on whatever unfortunate souls gets sucked into his orbit.

Now, given you're about raising the stakes like it's a poker game...I should mention that Behind The Bastards also did a couple of episodes reading excerpts from Ben Shapiro's 2005 book "Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future". Think of how he speaks about sex now, then imagine him doing it as a 20-21 year-old. That's this book. It's as sad and hilarious as it sounds. I can only imagine how horrifyingly bad the other 14 books he's written and published since 2004 are. Yes, he's written 16 books in a period of around two decades. I mean, Stephen King is a more prolific writer, but at least some of his stuff is actually worth reading. I doubt I could say the same about Ben-Ben's screed.