Thursday, September 07, 2023

Dear Vitamin Dee: Thanks for stopping by.

An addlepated Freedom Convoy groupie named "Vitamin Dee" insists that the Freedom Convoy was all about love and bouncy castles and hot tubs and carefully-selected goodness like that:

Interestingly, she uses the phrase, "I went & saw with my own eyes," suggesting that she zipped in from elsewhere just long enough to be suckered, then got to go home to where truckers were not camped out on her street, blowing horns 24/7 and belching diesel fumes into the air.

So, yeah, I guess it gives you a different perspective if you can always leave when it suits you.


Anonymous said...

Yet another fool who thinks that trial verdicts are determined on the basis of Twitter likes.

Anonymous said...

Barber's lawyer pointed out the police videos in court did not show the bouncy castles and kids playing, etc. As if that mitigates the crimes some convoyers were committing.
It's like saying the Godfather put on some real nice parties, so he can't be all that bad.


CC said...

ValJ: There was compelling evidence that the kids were being used as human shields, to discourage police officers from enforcing bylaws.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it seems like something habitual criminals might do.
I like the way they generally go on about Lich being a grandmother, even though her children and grandchildren were not with the convoy. I bet she never invited any truckers' kids to her hotel room to get warm.


Anonymous said...

The event was a kind of mini-Woodstock for angry, disenfranchised, politically naive people without the ghost of a hint of a sliver of a clue how government works (remember Lich's husband blustering about his "rights" under the "First Amendment"?)
So here they are, gathered under a national media spotlight, being told they're important revolutionaries, making history, that their chronic distemper is not just justified but heroic.
I can see how attractive that would be to a crowd used to being ignored because they have nothing to contribute to the national discussion beyond "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take anymore". It must be seductive to be applauded as a hero for doing nothing more useful than throwing a giant tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Number of people who live in downtown Ottawa: 5,970
Number of people who "have lived in downtown Ottawa for decades and think the Convoy was a completely peaceful orderly bouncy-castle party to protect our freedom for which we should all be eternally grateful" (according to their postings in social media): 6,047,253 and counting.