Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is the 19th of the month, which means it is now exactly 25 months since a Saskatchewan judge told trustee-less undischarged bankrupt, massive debtor and financial fugitive Patrick Ross what he owes me, and cranked up the interest rate on that to a decent investment return of five per cent:

Currently, Patrick is nowhere to be seen, being once again on the run from various authorities and most likely back in Grande Prairie, having closed out his Lloyd credit union account to protect his life savings from further seizure by the Collections Department of the Saskatchewan Sheriffs.

It is unclear how Patrick is making out since the passing of his deluded and enabling remaining parent (father Ken Ross), but there is definitely some activity these days at Casa Ross, with this admittedly unclear late night pic showing a third vehicle in the driveway, sandwiched between the ubiquitous pickup truck on the left, and what seems to be a storage/moving trailer on the right:

My Lloyd-based confidential informants assure me there will be better and clearer pictures in the near future, so we can figure out who's hanging out there.

In the meantime, another month, another several hundred dollars that Patrick owes me, on top of the $25-30,000 he apparently would have to turn over just to get out of bankruptcy (which would not affect the approximately $115,000 he owes me already).

See you a month from today.


CC said...

Anon @ 4:05 AM: As I've mentioned a number of times, normal people who file for bankruptcy typically want to get *out* of bankruptcy as quickly as possible. They know they've been given a second chance, and they want to honour their obligations, pay off their CDO, and do whatever it takes to get back to having a normal life.

Patrick, on the other hand, seems content to languish in bankruptcy for the rest of his life. He's shown no interest in paying off his debts or his CDO, or honouring any of his other obligations under the bankruptcy regime.

I was warned a long time ago that, if someone has absolutely no interest in having a significant presence in society, it is entirely possible to just remain in bankruptcy indefinitely. But that means never owning your own home, or having your own business, or a lot of other things. Effectively, it means being pretty much a transient such as (apparently in Patrick's case) being a menial labourer for the remainder of his days, toiling in -40C in northern Alberta winters as a "swamper."

If Patrick is fine living out his days like this, there's not much anyone can do about it, but I suspect that, after a few years of this, it's going to get tiring, at which point Patrick will do the math and realize with horror just how much he owes me and how there's no way he'll ever be able to pay it off.

It appears this is the choice he's made.

RossOwesDay said...

The key to totally defeating Patrick, is cutting off his supply of $21 restaurant hamburgers. After a few days of slumming it on baked beans and rice, he'll cry uncle.

Anonymous said...

Why would Patrick have to pay only $30K to get out of bankruptcy when he owes you over $100K?

CC said...

Anon @ 9:21 AM: I explained this once before ... to get out of bankruptcy, Patrick has to fulfill his 2014 Conditional Discharge Order (CDO), which required him to pay a total of $34,000 over 14 years. In all this time, he's paid only a few thousand, so he *must* pay that off in its entirety, there is no flexibility there. I estimate he still owes $25K-30K on that.

As for his debt to *me*, as I have explained on occasion, I filed for (and was granted) the right to be removed as a creditor attached to Patrick's bankruptcy, so that he immediately owed me the full and initial amount of my 2010 judgment ($85K), plus the interest that has been accruing since then. At this point, whatever happens with Patrick's bankruptcy is of no concern to me as it does not affect the massive amount of money he owes me. Even if he paid off his CDO in full, he would still owe me well over $100K. But there's one extra wrinkle for Patrick.

As y'all know, the longer Patrick runs and hides, the more he owes me. In addition to that, however, if Patrick finally chooses to get out of bankruptcy and goes to his former trustee, that trustee will assuredly require Patrick not only to pay the $25K-$30K, but to disclose everything he's earned or inherited over all these years as "after-acquired assets." Which means that, the longer Patrick smugly avoids accountability, not only will he owe *me* more, he will be responsible for turning over to his trustee all of those assets gained over all those years.

Patrick clearly thinks he's being clever by dodging and weaving and moving bank accounts, but when the reckoning comes, it will be massively expensive for him.

Anonymous said...

Agree that the inheritance offers leverage. However, I know from my uncle's estate that Alberta offers no registry of wills and estates, nor am I sure how entirely to tell when the will has been probated (and thus becomes public knowledge). So you have to know someone who can hunt that information down through all the halls of hell, and I wish I knew how to do it because his kids got ripped off by a beneficiary who took everything for herself.