Friday, October 08, 2021


Right-wing anti-vaxxers currently not allowed to eat indoors, congregate in large numbers, go to concerts or sporting events, or travel by train or airplane currently defending their stance because they want to protect their freedom.


Anonymous said...

I can't stop shaking my head about another conceptual juxtaposition at the root of the anti vaxxer/Rebel mindset.

Premise A: "COVID 19 is nothing but a hyped-up flu, a relatively mild disease of potential concern to the frail and elderly, but nothing that merits a major public health response."

Premise B: "COVID 19 is bio-weapon secretly engineered in a Wuhan biological warfare facility and cunningly unleashed to wreak havoc with our economies, bring about the fall of Donald Trump, and destroy the world's democracies."

CC said...

By George, I think you're getting into the spirit of things.